The Other Boleyn Girl - Movie Review

Welcome to Simple Man Entertainment. I'm back with another interesting movie review, and instead of something funny (which is my movie of preference) I'm going to talk about a movie that delves into some history - The Other Boleyn Girl.

I've been planning to watch this movie for months. I don't even remember how long it's been there on my DVR waiting for me to watch it, but finally, my husband and I got the chance to watch it, so I thought I'd give it a review.

Who's Who?
The Other Boleyn Girl stars quite a few names that you'll definitely recognize. Playing the two main roles, as the Boleyn sisters are Natalie Portman (Anne Boleyn) and Scarlett Johansson (Mary Boleyn). Playing the king, Henry Tudor, in the movie is Eric Bana, and he definitely does it well. Some of the other names you may recognize include Jim Sturgess, Kristin Scott Thomas, David Morrissey, Ana Torrent, Eddie Redmayne, and Mark Rylance.

Kid Rating:
For you parents, you may be wondering if this is a movie to show the kids. Personally, I don't think so. Yes, this movie is definitely historical, but remember that history isn't always very pretty or family friendly. This is a movie with adult themes, and although it is rated PG-13, it's not one I'd show the kids. Of course, you can view it and decide for yourself.

The Story Line:
If you remember your history lessons at all, I'm sure you've heard the Boleyn name. This movie tells the story of the Boleyn family. Since Catherine of Aragon, the current queen of England, is not able to have a male child to be the heir to the thrown, The Duke of Norfolk along with his brother in law (father of the Boleyn girls) decides to try to get Anne in as the mistress to the king, trying to gain riches and political power for themselves. This doesn't go according to plan though, and King Henry ends up being infatuated by Mary, who was already married. The king gives Mary's husband an offer of a court position, which means Mary must go to court as well, and she is basically forced into being the mistress to the king. Although not put in this position of her own will, she falls in love with him along the way.

Anne of course is angry that she didn't get the king, and runs off with another nobleman, who happens to be already betrothed, and they are secretly married. The family is afraid that Anne is going to ruin the family reputation, and she is exiled off to France.

Mary gets pregnant with the kings child, but ends up becoming bedridden for most of her pregnancy. So once again Anne is called back to gain the attention of the king so he won't stray to "greener pastures" ( now there's a stretch…). This time Anne is able to seduce the king, withholding herself from him and convincing him to never speak to her sister and never to sleep with his wife. Although Mary has a son, the king will not speak to her, and she is sent away, heartbroken by betrayal by the king and her sister.

Even though he sends her sister away and refuses see his wife, Anne demands more. She wants the queen divorced and sent away so that she can legally become the king's wife. During this time, the news of Anne's previous marriage to the nobleman comes to light, but Mary assures the king that it was not consummated, which ends up reconciling the two sisters, so Mary stays in court with Anne.

Finally Anne is married to Henry, she gets pregnant, but has a daughter. Then she miscarries her second pregnancy and things that her brother should impregnate her, to avoid the wrath of the king, although they both cannot go through with it. The only problem is that her brother's wife sees them together and goes on to testify that they did have incestuous relations with each other. Both Anne and her brother are found guilty, even though they weren't, and are supposed to be executed. Marty comes back to plead for the life of her sister, since she misses her brother's execution, but she is not successful and is warned not to come back to court. Mary leaves taking Anne's daughter with her and raises the girl with her own son.

In the end, it becomes ironically clear that it is actually Elizabeth, the daughter of Anne, that does take over the throne.

My Thoughts:
The Other Boleyn Girl was definitely an interesting movie, and based on historical facts. It found it a tragic story and was horrified to see how an entire family was torn apart, and ultimately two of them killed, all because of greed and pursuit of power. The father of these girls was willing to basically sell away his daughters to get more money and political power, which actually is quite sickening.

As I mentioned, this is not really one for the kids, but it is an interesting historical movie that was well done. It's not one I'd watch again, but definitely one I won't forget!

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